What Happens During a Porcelain Veneer Procedure?
The procedure for getting porcelain veneers usually goes through three stages: consultation, molding, and bonding.
Consultation with your dentist will be necessary for a thorough mouth examination and determination of whether porcelain veneers will be the right solution for you or not.
You might get a diagnostic mock-up, which involves applying temporary tooth-colored materials to the teeth to see what you might look like with veneers.
Dr. Sona Asatryan will likely take a photo of your teeth before and after the mockup and remove the material.
These photos should help you decide if veneers are going to give you the look you want, as well as allow you to point out changes you may not have thought of before.
Enamel Removal
Your dentist will remove roughly half a millimeter of enamel from any teeth getting veneers, which is the thickness of the porcelain that’ll be added to the surface of your teeth.
Once this portion is complete, your dentist will make a model or impression of the teeth being treated and send it off to a dental lab for the creation of the veneers.
Enamel Molding
It typically takes about one to two weeks for the porcelain veneers to be made and sent back to your dentist.
During this time, you might wear temporary veneers to protect your teeth from sensitivity. The need for temporaries depends on the severity of your case and what kind of work was needed to prepare for the veneers.
Since these are not permanently fixed and are easily damaged, avoid eating hard foods if you’re wearing temporary veneers.
Dental Bonding
Dr. Sona Asatryan will clean, perhaps polish, and then etch the treated teeth. Etching provides additional texture that allows for stronger bonding.
The cement will then be placed on the veneer, and the veneer affixed to the tooth.
Once the veneer is in the right spot, Dr. Sona Asatryan will use a special light beam to activate quick-drying chemicals in the cement.
Then Dr. Sona Asatryan will clean up any leftover cement, evaluate your bite, and make any final adjustments.
Dentist Follow-up
If your porcelain veneers don’t feel quite right in the first days after treatment, don’t worry, there’s an adjustment period. You’ll most likely go in for a follow-up appointment to examine the placement, edges, and bite, as well as to make sure your gums are reacting well to the porcelain veneers.
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