3 Common Questions About Invisalign
Invisalign is a method of straightening teeth and adjusting overbite that involves wearing clear removable trays on your teeth. But do they really work? Are they better than braces? How..
How Do Invisalign Aligners Work?
Our professional staff at Fair Oaks Dental Group, will scan your teeth to produce a 3D imaging of their alignment. The imaging will be used to design your first set..
What Happens During a Porcelain Veneer Procedure?
The procedure for getting porcelain veneers usually goes through three stages: consultation, molding, and bonding. Consultation Consultation with your dentist will be necessary for a thorough mouth examination and determination..
What Not to Do After Root Canal Treatment
Fair Oaks Dental Group provides quality root canal treatment to you and your family. Find out how to care for your tooth after root canal treatment. Endodontists (root canal dentist)..
Technology for Oral Cancer Screening in Pasadena
New Technology Discovered Spanish scientists have recently discovered a new technology to help dentists detect oral cancer quickly and more efficiently. Oral cancer is one of the most common cancers..
Why Is Dr. Asatryan the Best Pasadena Dentist?
Dr. Sona Asatryan’s background Dr. Sona Asatryan, the best Pasadena Dentist, have found it very gratifying to be able to change patients’ lives by giving them back their confidence and positive..
Beating Bad Breath at Home
Let’s face it, nobody likes bad breath. It can be a huge turnoff and appear very unattractive and make it seem as if our hygiene needs work. When in reality,..
Dentist Recommended Foods & Drinks for Improved Oral Health
Brushing and flossing are absolutely important in maintaining excellent oral health, but what is commonly overlooked (brushing & flossing also happen to be overlooked!) are the foods and drinks that..
The Role Cartoons Play for Kids Visiting the Dentist
Children can spend hours in front of a screen watching cartoons. They love them, and studies show that dentists can play cartoons in the office to comfort children during checkups..
Myths and Facts About Teeth Whitening
There is a lot of information out there about teeth whitening, both good and bad. It is important that you don’t limit yourself to one option, or forego whitening treatments..